I'm a design thinker.
I studied Design and Communication, and got fascinated by the thinking processes to understand people and their needs to find real solutions to everyday problems.
I have been working based on a human-centered approach since then, always trying to to learn new things from people.
I'm a leader.
I have 15 years of experience in Design, and I don't like working alone. I believe collaboration and co-creation are key to success, with others we are much stronger.
I've worked together with great people in small and big interdisciplinary teams, in short and long -and extremely different- projects.
I'm an entrepreneur.
I decide to take control of my path and have a purpose, to break conventions and seek a better way to work with others. To fail, and try again.
I co-founded the visual studio -Aeronave visual- where I've been the Director for more than 8 years, the last two already established in Amsterdam.
I’m an educator.
Over the years I’ve designed and facilitated workshops and testing sessions to bring together people and the understanding, transformation, innovation processes. Clients and colleagues.
My happiness it’s not the goal, but the consequence of doing something meaningful: helping others.

I turn empathy into creativity, to design experiences and products while caring about people and the planet.
I’ve specialized in digital design, research, UX and Product.
I have a large and diverse background in Design Thinking, Entrepreneurship and Education.
I'm passionate about meaningful and innovative projects, with real impact on cities and lives.

Over the years I’ve worked with big and small Companies, public Institutions and Startups. For people.
Some of them are: International Development Bank, UNESCO, the Government of Buenos Aires, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina’s International Film Festival, ABN AMRO.

I'm passionate about Culture, Arts and Education.
My whole life I've been interested in more than just work. I need to truly believe that what I'm doing matters, it fulfills me as a professional and as a human being.
The passion for change and the love for the unknown are innate in me. I step into challenges with courage and purpose.
I’m involved in social projects around Kids, Education, Technology and Circular Economy. I trust on the power of people to change.

Co-founder of sCoolMakers
The first online kids marketplace to exchange used stuff.
Under the title of Bytes and Bites Executive I focus on the development, build and test of the application and the interaction with the parties involved. see website

Board member of the Stars Are Circular Foundation
We empower kids to become Circular Stars, providing kids and their families with the information and tools needed to develop into conscious, innovative and collaborative participants in a circular economy. see website

Co-founder and Director of Aeronave visual
The visual studio was born 8 years ago in Argentina, and since I moved to Amsterdam I've started the Dutch branch at the Hackers and Founders building in the heart of the city. see website

University professor in Design
For 8 years I had a yearly group of 40 students in one of the first courses of the Graphic Design career, in the National Public University in Buenos Aires - Argentina.
I firmly believe education is the biggest and most important resource we have to ensure the world's evolution towards a more equitable society.

Not everything is about work 😉
• I enjoy a healthy lifestyle doing yoga and eating vegan.
• I have two big passions: photography and travel.
• I studied piano and singing, I even joined an a-cappella choir for a couple of years!
• I'm an amateur tango dancer, with more than 5 years of practice.

At the moment I'm available for freelance short and long projects, and also for full-time or part-time positions.